Picture for category Advanced Corporate Credit Analysis

Advanced Corporate Credit Analysis         

The analytic tools and frameworks for credit analysis are explained and demonstrated through a wide variety of up to date examples, case studies and exercises. Case studies and exercises are drawn from a range of industries and regions and will appropriately reflect the market and location of the course. Industries where case studies are drawn from include electronics, manufacturing, food or beverage processing, energy trading, airlines, car manufacturing, telecommunications, food retail, steel manufacturing, office service industry, car hire services and packaging.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

.The overall goal of this three-day workshop is to enhance analytic skills. Participants will use a structured and systematic approach to evaluate the credit standing of a company and assess the relative attractiveness of the risk-return profile of the investing / lending proposition. This is a highly interactive workshop where case studies and exercises are used to illustrate key learning points. A case study presentation will form part of the workshop allowing participants to apply the concepts acquired during the workshop to a real-life scenario. Participants are encouraged to be focused and concise in developing and articulating credit judgement. The workshop will enable participants to:

.1- Apply a structured approach to assess the creditworthiness of a borrower

.2- Evaluate the performance of a company based on qualitative and quantitative frameworks and tools

.3- Identify the key factors that drive a company’s future performance and evaluate the likely impact on its credit standing

.4- Use a cash flow approach to ascertain a company’s ability to service/refinance its debt as it comes due

Course Outline:

.1- Macro considerations

.1-1 Operating environment

.1-2 Sector

.2- Management and Shareholders

.2-1 Management performance

.2-2 Corporate aims and goals and their effect on the company’s future

.2-3 Shareholder structure, support and influence

.2-4 Illustration case study: identify management strengths and weaknesses and shareholder structure /support

.3- Business Risk

.3-1 Business strategy

.3-2 Earnings dynamics

.3-3 Asset management

.3-4 Cash flow drivers

.4- Financial Risk

.4-1 Financial strategy

.4-2 Liquidity

.4-3 Solvency

Target Audience:

. The workshop is suitable for the Relationship Managers, Corporate Bankers, Credit Analysts, Risk Managers, Internal Auditors or other professionals involved in credit risk management and credit product areas. Participants should have a firm grasp of accounting and financial statement analysis before attending the course.

4 Days


This course entitles you to attend:

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will obtain:

.Training attendance certificate
