Picture for category Centralized cash management for mega corporate using SWIFT MT101

Centralized cash management for mega corporate using SWIFT MT101          Download Brochure

This course is taking participants into a new level of understanding on how mega corporates must be served in respect of their cash and liquidity management requirements through practicing Swift MT 101 and its related serving messages.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

.Fully understand and apply the MT101, and their related messages designed for the corporate use in the area of centralized cash management

Course Outline:

.MT101 request for transfer

.When a customer wishes to move funds between his accounts or when a customer wishes to affect several transfers to several beneficiaries

.MT 920 request message

.MT 940 customer statement message

.MT941 balance report (for a corporate)

Target Audience:

.Customer funds transfer specialists whom serve the corporate customers

3 Days


.Participants of this course must attend the swift messages for funds transfer (Beginner & intermediary level).

This course entitles you to attend:

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will obtain:

.Training Attendance Certificate .
