.Fully Understand the latest SWIFT trade finance categories 4&7 messages updates
.1- MT 400 advice of payment
.2-MT 410 acknowledgment
.3-MT 420 tracer
.4-MT 422 advice of fate and request for instructions
.5-MT 430 amendment
.1-MT 700 issuance of DC
.2-MT 701 continuation of issuance of DC
.3-MT 705 pre-advice of a DC
.4- MT 707 amendment to DC
.5 MT 708 continuation of amendment of DC
.6-MT 710 advice DC through third bank
.7-MT 711 continuation of advice DC through third bank
.8-MT 720 transfer of a DC
.9-MT 721 continuation of transfer of a DC
.10-MT 730 acknowledgment
.11-MT 732 advice of discharge
.12-MT 734 advice of refusal
.13-MT 740 authorization to reimburse
.14-MT 742 reim. claim
.15-MT 744 Notice of Non-Conforming Reimbursement Claim
.16-MT 750 advice of discrepancy
.17-MT 752 Authorization to Pay, Accept or Negotiate
.18-MT 754 advice of payment, acceptance or negotiation
.19-MT 756 Advice of Reimbursement or Payment
.20-MT 759 Ancillary Trade Structured Message
.1-MT 760 issue of a demand guarantee or stand-by letter of credit
.2-MT 761 Continuation of MT 760
.3-MT 768 Acknowledgement of a demand guarantee or stand-by letter of credit
.4-MT 767 Amendment to a demand guarantee or stand-by letter of credit
.5-MT 775 Continuation of MT 767
.6-MT 787 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Amendment Response
.7-MT 765 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Demand
.8-MT 786 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Demand Refusal
.9-MT 785 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Non-Extension Notification
.10-MT 769 advice of a reduction or release
.Trade finance dept.
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