Money laundering and terrorist financing worldwide, particularly those linked to illegal and irregular activities such as drug trafficking, weapons, prostitution, corruption and commercial concealment, pose a great threat to the integrity of many financial institutions and even some banking systems. The importance of this topic is made by many Governments, authorities and supervisors. Saudi Arabia's legislative and regulatory authorities have issued binding regulations and instructions to help financial institutions avoid illegal operations, maintain the integrity and reputation of the banking system and protect them from regular sanctions.
The Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Manual issued by the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia in November 2019 states in Item X: Independent Audit:
The independent audit department should conduct an independent examination of the appropriateness, adequacy and effectiveness of the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing compliance program and procedures at the financial institution level, document the audit results and send them to the Board of Directors for appropriate action.
The independent audit framework when assessing the appropriateness, adequacy and effectiveness of the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing Compliance program and procedures should be based on the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing, focusing on the risks most vulnerable to exploitation in the passage of money laundering and financing Terrorism.
Internal audit should conduct independent tests of controls, policies and procedures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing and their suitability to identify the ML/TF risks.
.Scope of internal audit work for compliance and anti-money laundering departments.
.The mechanism used when examining compliance and anti-money laundering to determine the effectiveness of the Compliance program and the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing program
.How to conduct independent tests and procedures for controls, policies and procedures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.
.How the Compliance Department fulfil the tasks and Responsibilities as stated in the Compliance principles issued by the Central Bank in September 2020.
.For detailed workshop outline, please download the brochure
.Internal Audit Department senior officials and staff
.Experience in the field of internal audit work and understanding of the legal requirements of the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing rules issued by the Central Bank in November 2019/Compliance principles issued by the central bank in Sept 2020.
.Training attendance certificate.