Picture for category General Swift Knowledge

General Swift Knowledge         

This training course is designed to introduce the SWIFT services to participants

By the end of this course you will be able to:

Course Outline:

.SWIFT meaning

.SWIFT governance

.SWIFT FIN traffic

.Bic for banks and corporaes

.SWIFTNet Messaging Services

.FIN messages categories

.Common group messages

.SWIFT for corporates

.During the classroom, trainer will answer the following questions for participants.

.1-Why field numbers?

.2-Why field limitations?

.3-Why the practice of using ALL CAPS in swift messages?

.4-What is FinPlus?

.5-What is CBPR+?

.6-Why is validation done at the network level not at the application level?

.7-Does swift support file attachments?

.8-Is swift legally recognized?

.9-What is authentication and how MT999 is not authenticated? How can it be fake?

.10-Swift reconciliation process

.11-Cases of swift fraud/hacking

.12-Financial institution transfer “safer” than Customer Transfers?

Target Audience:

1 Days


This course entitles you to attend:

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will obtain:
