Picture for category The international standard demand guarantee practice ISDGP for URDG 758

The international standard demand guarantee practice ISDGP for URDG 758          Download Brochure

This course explains the International standard demand guarantee practice (ISDGP) which represents best practice in relation to guarantees governed by the uniform rules for demand guarantees , ICC publication No. 758 ( URDG ) . It highlights how the URDG are to be interpreted and applied in a guarantee in which they are incorporated.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

.International standard demand guarantee practice for URDG 758.

Course Outline:

.Demand guarantees and its independent nature.

.International standard demand guarantee practice.

.ISDGP & URDG points of contact.

Target Audience:

.Guarantees, Trade finance, and Legal departments employees

4 Days



This course entitles you to attend:

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will obtain:

.Training Attendance Certificate
